Install Modem Ubuntu
Enable userdir Apache module on Ubuntu Linux and other Debian based distributions. Lately Ive spent a lot of time on web programming using open source based technologies like PHP, My. SQL and Postgre. SQL. This works really great on Linux because every tool you need for web programing is right there a few keystrokes away using your favorite distribution and package manager. One essential thing you need to setup for web programming is localhost web server serving files inside your home directory. Ive wrote about one method of making Apache web server work this way in my following article LAMP development in your home directory with su. PHP module. In this article I will show you how to do the same thing in another way by enabling Apache module called userdir on Debian based distributions like Ubuntu. The official definition of userdir is that this module allows user specific directories to be accessed using the http example. So lets get started. In this article I will assume you have Apache web server fully installed. If you havent already done this please follow the link from the beginning of this article and come back to enable userdir Apache module. For starters we need to enable this module using following command Now we will configure Apache module userdir by editing userdir. Next you should replace the contents of that configuration file with the following code lt If. Module moduserdir. User. Dir publichtml. User. Dir disabled root. Directory homepublichtml. How to Set up a Network in Ubuntu. Configuring networks such as a Digital Subscriber Line DSL or Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line ADSL primarily used for. Okay, lets talk about a very serious topic bath mats. Is there a right and wrong way to use them Hi i am using GPRS modem to connect to the internet. Linux vs Windows. Compare the two operating systems from an average users perspective. Find out the pros and cons of Linux and Windows. Allow. Override. All. Options Multi. Views Indexes Sym. Links. If. Owner. Match. lt Limit GET POST OPTIONS. Apache lt 2. 2 Orderallow,deny. Edk5QtZXE0/T5kWFuTD9tI/AAAAAAAACvw/JX0kVbuOZ0M/s1600/Dconf+Editor+Ubuntu.png' alt='Install Modem Ubuntu' title='Install Modem Ubuntu' />Allow from all. Apache 2. Require all granted. Limit. lt Limit. Except GET POST OPTIONS. Apache lt 2. 2 Orderdeny,allow. Deny from all. Apache 2. Require all denied. Limit. Except. Directory. If. Module With this setup Apache web server would serve HTML files from publichtml directory of every user on your pc. This HTML files would be accessible using the http example. Serving PHP files from users publichtml directoriy is disabled by default for security reasons. If you want to enable PHP processing when using userdir this is what you need to do. First you edit following Apache configuration file in this way sudonanoetcapache. Now you need to comment out a few lines from lt If. Module moduserdir. If. Module so you get something like this lt If. Module modphp. 5. Files. Match. php. Set. Handler applicationx httpd php. Sony Xperia And Install. Files. Match. lt Files. Match. phps. Set. Handler applicationx httpd php source. Files. Match. To re enable php in user directories comment the following lines from lt If. Module. to lt If. Module. Do NOT set it to On as it prevents. If. Module moduserdir. Directory homepublichtml phpadminvalue engine Off lt Directory lt If. Module. lt If. Module Last thing you just restart Apache web server and create publichtml directory inside your home directory like this sudo service apache. USERpublichtml. Thats it and every user on your PC should be able to serve PHP pages from his homeusernamepublichtml directory, and that pages should be accessible on http 1. Now you can develop for web using publichtml to store and test your PHP and HTML code. Upgrade Wifi Card Laptop'>Upgrade Wifi Card Laptop.